Project logistics
- Mentors: Ugur Kaynar and Qingqing Li
- Min-max team size: 3-5
- Expected project hours per week (per team member): 8 hours
- Will the project be open source? Yes - Apache like license
Preferred past experience
- Python and/or Ruby programming experience (important)
- Linux OS, concepts and tools (Strongly recommended)
- Any monitoring platform related experience (e.g. Nagios, LogStash, Sensu, Ceilometer, Grafana, ...) is a plus
- Experience with time series databases (e.g. InfluxDB) or NoSQL DBs (e.g. MongoDB) is a plus.
Project Overview
Massachusetts Open Cloud Monitoring Platform (MOCMon) collects, retains, consolidates and services monitoring data from many layers of the MOC (See Fig.1). Varying industry standards are used in MOCMon to cater standard needs of an IaaS cloud as well as unique advance monitoring services that can only exist in an Open Cloud such as MOC. This project aims to perform the transisiton of MOCMon to the open source OpenStack monitoring project Monasca, in order to (i) move MOCMon into a more manegable infrastructure, (ii) upstream advancements made in MOCMon to the community, and (iii) enable MOCMon to benefit from advancements made in the community. Since Monasca and MOCMon have very similar designs most of the effort will be spent on transfering abilities existing in MOCMon into Monasca.

Some Technologies you will learn/use:
- ElasticSearch
- Graphana
- Sensu, LogStash, Ceilometer